Andreina Battel - portrait photo

Andreina Battel is an Italian artist based in Venice. She studied philosophy at Ca’ Foscari University and graduated in sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti. Since the 1990s, she has worked as an illustrator, engraver, painter and teacher, and participated in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad.

Andreina’s paintings and drawings give shape and form to memories, imaginary situations or real environments; her landscapes and views of Venice evoke a sensation of transience, while her portraits hint at an interior dialogue.

In recent years, her sculptures and installations have focused on the relationship between instinct and reason – namely the contradictory nature of human behaviour and the consequent search for harmonisation.

As Gregory Bateson wrote, art is expressive of man’s quest for ‘grace’ or integration, ‘and that what is to be integrated is the diverse parts of the mind, especially those multiple levels of which one extreme is called consciousness and the other the unconscious.